August 13th 2014. The day our
other adventure started. We had to wake up early to get on the road to arrive
on time at Rendez-vous. That meant having a bagged breakfast.
The bus trip was a lot of the same thing,
hanging out, talking, listening to music, playing cards, etc. Though we had a
problem along the way. We missed our pit stop. Now it doesn’t seem like that
much of a problem, but with 40+ people who haven’t gone to the bathroom in a
while, it becomes one. There was a bathroom on the bus, but it was only one,
and it’s not the nicest facility. The line up started to grow longer too.
Lunch was nice. Instead of make your own
sandwiches we got Greek food! We enjoyed a nice picnic lunch outside before
having to hop back on the bus for the last little bit of the trip.
Now you see, it seems the BC bus has a hard
time getting to our end destination on time. Even at Evolve we always seem to
be a little late. That was exactly what happened today. The whole event started
at 3 pm and we were supposed to arrive at 2, but of course we got there at 3.
That meant we couldn’t go to our dorms right away because we had to attend the
Opening Worship. There was music and singing and the announcements of what was
expected in the days to come. After the worship, in our home groups, we brought
all our stuff to our dorm.
The meals at Rendez-vous were great. We ate
in a cafeteria and there were so many food choices, so meals were delicious.
They even had a chocolate milk dispenser.
That night we had a keynote speaker. His
name was Wab Kinew. He talked about reconciliation with the Aboriginals and how
his dad “adopted” the bishop from a catholic church. He also talked about the
effect residential schools had on his people. It was a really interesting talk
over-all. After that we had a home group meeting to talk about the speech we
had just heard from Wab Kinew. Lights out came next which was super great
after. Having a bed was awesome too!
~ S
August 14th, 2014. I’m sure we
all had a great sleep because we had actual beds. During the mornings you get a
bit of free time because breakfast starts at 7, and the worship doesn’t start
still 9. We had a singer named Coco Love perform and she was really amazing.
There was also a speaker. This one was Kofie Hope and he talked about getting
out in your community and just doing it, to not ask for permission first.
Workshops started today. You either had two
or three. You only had two if you went on an exposure trip in the afternoon.
There was a whole multitude of different workshops you could choose from.
Everyone who went seemed to like what they chose. After the first workshop it
was lunch and if you were going on an exposure trip you left early. A couple of
the trips were French and Métis heritage or a visit to the Forks. When all was
done and everyone was back at campus it was dinnertime and some free time.
There was worship like there was every night, and after there were a few social
events. They had a Coco Love concert and a talent show. A short home group
meeting came after. Lights out/quiet time came next, and again, really beds.
~ S
August 15th, 2014. There was
ANOTHER birthday today this time it was Annie’s! The morning was the same as
the other two mornings. Breakfast and free time before worship and songs. This
time though rEvolve performed for us! The speaker this morning was Nicole
Marquez. She was a dancer who accidentally fell off the roof of a apartment
building 6 stories tall. She was in the alley for 8 hours before someone found
her. Though the doctors said she would be paraplegic, she learned to walk
again. She talked about her story, and how she became a motivational speaker.
It was really interesting and really good. Our first workshop of the day came
after, then lunch and a nice free time break. You had one more “small” workshop
after lunch then they had big group workshops. A few of the options were a
First Nations blanket exercise, outdoor games, geocaching, and street art.
Dinner after that was delicious as usual,
and then we had worship. The social events were a rEvolve concert or a Manitoba
Social, which was just a dance. There was a short goodbye home group meeting
before bedtime, but everyone was so awake people didn’t really go to bed.
~ S
On the last day of Rendez-Vous, August 16th,
we had breakfast and then went to worship. At breakfast there was a surprise
flash mob with dancing and clapping to the song “Happy” by Pharrell Williams.
Personally I wasn’t there, but I heard it was exciting, energetic and fun. At
worship we listened to the music of rEvolve and Regenisis. We clapped, danced,
and sang along to songs such as Malembe and Hey Mama Heya. I really enjoyed
having the piano playing, but also the djembe, guitar, drums, bass, and of
course the egg shaker were great to have accompanying our singing. We listened
to the bible story of the Israelites journeying from Egypt and we learned that
the manna they ate as food was actually plant lice poo. It puts a different
perspective on the story doesn’t it? After saying goodbye to all the great
people we met, we boarded the bus and started a long bus ride to Saskatoon! We
said a special goodbye to Angus, Jillian, and Danielle who were flying from
Winnipeg instead of travelling home with us on the bus. We drove and drove on
the straight road to a town called Yorkton where we stopped for bowling and pizza.
The bowling was exciting and a certain person named Samantha managed to get
strike after strike. As we continued on to Saskatoon, I learned that it is
actually quite easy to fall asleep listening to the Vinyl Café on my IPod. We
reached Saskatoon at 10:30 that night and gratefully enjoyed the hospitality of
St. Martins United Church. Whoever baked the cookies that were served as a
snack that night is a cookie genius. They were so delicious! We finally went to
bed looking forward to a long awaited sleep and the next morning’s sleep in to
an amazing 8:00am!
The bus trip to Rendez-Vous 2014 and
Rendez-Vous itself has been so much fun and I am so thankful I got to go
again. Everyone on the bus bonded so
much and by the time we got to Rendez-Vous we were the group with the most
energy always ready for singing and dancing! Although I am sad to say goodbye
to everyone I have so many new memories and connections from all across the
country that I will cherish for along time to come.

So today we wrote a story and we needed to
share it…

~Pheadra, Justice, Kelsey and Michelle